Friday, October 17, 2008

What is in Our Control?

In talking to a friend today about the state of the world and my concerns long side with that, he made the following statement:

Well, we do our very best and we take what God and men give us because we have no other choice. I’ve had a decent run. If the axe falls, so be it. Just be ever watchful that you are doing the Lord’s will and you’ll make it. I’m freaking out today too for my own reasons but I know that my tithing is paid and I effect change in my sphere so beyond that, oh well.

What stood out to me was "Just be ever watchful that you are doign the Lord's will and you'll make it....I effect change in my sphere."

I know I worry so much about things I cannot control. I can try to be a good influence in the lives of those around me, as instructed by the example Christ, however, they ultimately have their agency to make their own decisions and have zero control over their actions or their outcome. I can only control my behaviors, actions and reactions.


bv said...

My favorite Stake President ever once told me that tithing is the only commandment we can live 100% on this earch and he's right. President Packer also talked about the importance of tithing in that talk you sent me today (loved it!).